
Case Study

  CASE STUDY OF PRODUCT ANALYSIS   CASE STUDY OF PRODUCT ANALYSIS MOBILE   A mobile phone is a wireless handheld device that allows users to make and receive calls. While the earliest generation of mobile phones could only make and receive calls, today’s mobile phones do a lot more, accommodating web browsers, games, cameras, video players and navigational systems. Also, while mobile phones used to be mainly known as “cell phones” or cellular phones. Today’s mobile phones are more commonly called “smartphones” because of all of the extra voice and data services that they offer.  Application of MOBILE :  1) Calling  2) Texting  3) Email  4) Facebook  5) Camera 6) Reading news  7) Online shopping 8) WhatsApp  9) Banking 10) Watching videos on YouTube  Disadvantages of MOBILE :  1) Distraction 2) Ear Problems  3) Wastage Of Time 4) Addiction To Mobile Phone  5) Security Issues 6) Loss Of Study  7) Health Problems 8) Sleeping Issues  9) Accidents 10) Distance From Relatives  Budget P